
How To Pay At A Register

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Sentence examples for pay at the register from inspiring English sources

"To pay with PayPal, consumers simply launch the BURGER KING app, which will automatically generate a iv-digit pin that they tin can use to pay at the register " .

The company besides offers Walmart Pay for in-store checkout, which involves scanning a barcode on customers' phones to pay at the register .

Starbucks recently rolled out a 'milk shake to pay' feature on its app that — as the name suggests — instantly brings up the barcode needed to pay at the register with a milkshake of your telephone," Binn wrote.

The customers will receive a receipt or electronic mail they can use to pay at the register in the store, later completing the ordering process with the sales acquaintance'due south help, Walmart says.

The app also simplified the process of paying for those orders — rather than pay at the register, users can make payments directly from a credit or debit card linked to the Square business relationship their mobile device.

To actually blow a millennial's mind, pull out your smartphone and pay at the register .

Pay at the annals the amount you are told.

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