
How To Register Beacon With Google

This guide explains the steps required to start using Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons to provide proximity-based experiences for your users.

Obtain and configure beacons

To go beacons and set them upwards, have the following steps:

  1. Go some beacons
  2. Configure your beacons
  3. Register your beacons with Google
  4. Add an zipper

1. Get some beacons

Visit our partners to go Eddystone supported beacon hardware:

2. Configure your beacons

Before a buoy can exist used, yous must provision information technology to ready the frame type, broadcast intervals and power levels. Currently you must use the software that was provided by your beacon manufacturer to do this.

To annunciate a data or URL attachment, you tin can use either Eddystone-UID, or Eddystone-EID frame types. To advertise a URL, utilise the Eddystone-URL frame type.

With Eddystone-UID and Eddystone-EID, you can:

  • Associate 1 or more than data or URL attachments with a beacon.
  • Remotely update buoy attachments.
  • Monitor beacons using the Google Beacon Dashboard.

Eddystone-EID also lets you control who can access your beacons; just services that share an encryption key with an Eddystone-EID buoy can resolve bulletin information from that beacon. For more information, see Eddystone Ephemeral Identifier.

Eddystone-URL lets you advertise a URL (HTTP or HTTPS), and is designed for interacting with the Physical Web. Nearby Notifications can likewise show HTTPS URLs broadcast from Eddystone-URL devices, although Eddystone-URL does not back up app intent or app install URLs. We recommend using a URL redirector to enable the use of longer URLs, and to make it possible to update the URL after the beacon is deployed. When using this frame type, y'all cannot register the beacon with Google. One time you have provisioned the beacon, no further steps are required.

If yous provisioned your beacons using Eddystone-UID or Eddystone-EID, go on to the side by side step. If you provisioned your beacons using Eddystone-URL, you're done!

3. Annals your beacons with Google

Adjacent, register ownership of your beacons with the Google Beacon Registry. To exercise this, employ the Beacon Tools app, available for Android and iOS.

To register the beacon:

  1. Launch the app and select the Google Developer project yous desire to use.
  2. Position your device near the beacon. You lot should encounter a list of beacons.
  3. Select the beacon you want to annals, then tap Register Beacon. The beacon should then appear under the Registered tab.

You can also apply the Proximity Beacon API to register beacons. Utilise the Python sample scripts in the GitHub repository to make working with the API from the control line easier.

4. Add an zipper

These are the options for associating attachments with beacons (choose one):

  1. Use the Google Beacon Dashboard (recommended).
  2. Utilize the Proximity Beacon API

Use the Google Beacon Dashboard

The Google Buoy Dashboard is the easiest way to associate attachments with your beacons.

Follow these steps to add an attachment using the Google Beacon Dashboard:

  1. Go to the Google Beacon Dashboard.
  2. Select your project from the list of Google Developers Console projects.
  3. Select your beacon from the list.
  4. Enter details for your buoy in the provided form.

To add together a Nearby Notification attachment:

  1. Click View buoy details and select Nearby Notifications.
  2. Enter a Title and two-letter language code.
  3. Select either Production mode or Debug mode.
  4. Click Web URL and choose the type of URL to add (Web URL, App intent, or Complimentary-form App Intent).
  5. Fill in the respective fields for the selected URL type.
  6. (Optional) Add targeting rules to limit visibility based on device context.
  7. Click Create to add together the zipper.
  8. Note that you tin add multiple attachments to a buoy. For more data about how to format attachments and URLs for Nearby Notifications, encounter Attachment Information Format.

Use the Proximity Beacon API

You can besides use the Proximity Buoy API to associate attachments with beacons. Note that this will require you to base64 encode your request body.

The Python sample scripts make adding attachments from the control line much easier.

You can too add together attachments by hand by making a Postal service request to:


where BEACON_NAME is a cord of the form:


and the request body includes the namespaced type and base64 encoded information as shown in the following instance:

          {   "namespacedType":"",   "data":"ew0KICAidGl0bGUiOiAiR29vZ2xlIiwNCiAgImRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIjogIlNlYXJjaCBmb3IgdGhpbmdzISIsDQogICJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbSINCn0=" }                  

If the request succeeds, yous'll receive a 200 OK status code, and the attachment trunk.

For more than information about how to format attachments and URLs for Nearby Notifications, see Attachment Information Format.


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